our classes
Who am I? Discover Your DiSC® Style
Learn about DiSC® and the Everything DiSC Workplace® Map
Identify your style and explore the priorities that drive you
Discover similarities and differences among the DiSC® styles
Understanding Other Styles
Discover your reactions to different DiSC® styles
Identify what works for you and what challenges you
Use DiSC to understand the people you work with
Building More Effective Relationships
Learn how others have bridged differences
Practice using DiSC® to build more effective relationships at work
Write an action plan for building more effective relationships
Using DiSC to Improve Your Conflict & Communication Skills
Learn about your DiSC® style in conflict and what pushes you to go from healthy to unhealthy behaviors
Identify how other styles respond to conflict
Write an action plan for flexing your conflict style to those you work with
Executive Coaching & Application
Each leader is offered 30 minute coaching following each learning event.
Comparison reports of your style to your direct reports or co-workers will be provided.